Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thoughts All About Male Pattern Baldness and You! | All About Health

You can expect to lose up to one hundred hairs each day. This number is very normal. However, for the amount of hair we lose, usually it is replaced by hair that grows back. When hair does not grow back, you may experience baldness. For men, male pattern baldness is something that is often a part of their own genetics. If you want to know all about male pattern baldness, consider the following.

Hair loss is not just particular to the head, it can happen in other areas of the body. However, we are mainly concerned with loss of hair on the head, naturally. When balding, hair thins and becomes weak over a period of time, until the individual is completely bald. But many men only become bald on the very tops of their head, leaving a bald spot.

The reason this happens is because of dihydrotestosterone. DHT is what causes the hair to grow in thinner and weaker each time. However, you can become bald from other factors. People often lose hair due to stress, health issues, and the medication they may be taking. If your hair loss becomes really bothersome, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

There are often myths about what causes balding. However, these are nothing to worry about in the least. Despite what you may have been told in the past, the use of different hair products, wearing hats, sunbathing, and even tanning, do not cause you to bald. It has never been proven that they are even a source of balding.

Men can sometimes feel differently about themselves when they realize they have male pattern balding. Some can handle the balding and simply wait and allow it to happen. Other men think that they are not attractive if they are bald, or balding. The reaction really depends on the individual. Truthfully, if you are balding, it does not change how anyone feels about you.

If you want to try to stop your balding from becoming worse in the future, you have some options. There are many treatments that are open to everyone. A way that has been proven effective is treating naturally with Saw Palmetto. You can also choose something like Rogaine or Propecia if you want a store bought treatment. Some men have even used hair replacement surgery to treat their baldness.

At any rate, don?t let your baldness affect how you feel about yourself. If you are going bald, there are treatments to slow it down or even stop it from happening. Being bald will not change how your friends and family feel about you. Male pattern baldness can actually be considered a cosmetic issue, and those are usually easily fixed with the right treatment. If you?re concerned with knowing more all about male pattern baldness, contact your doctor and find out what?s right for you.

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